Support for young people with learning difficulties
Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can get help from Services for Young People up to 25.
Services for Young People personal advisers offer young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 13-25 impartial information, advice and guidance on their post-16 options such as further education, training, employment and independent living.
The team works closely with schools, colleges and other learning providers. It also supports young people who attend out-of-county schools or colleges and helps those not in education, employment or training. The team also works with the young person's parents and carers.
The Services for Young People SEND Team have a number of programmes supporting young adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities into employment.
Services for Young People is part of Hertfordshire County Council and also delivers youth work projects and programmes, information, advice, guidance, work-related learning, outdoor education and other services to young people in Hertfordshire.
Please visit the Services for Young People website for full detailsSERVICES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES
Hertfordshire County Council Services for Young People (HCC SfYP) delivers high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), work-related learning, work experience and personal development opportunities.
HCC SfYP services for schools and collegesHERTFORDSHIRE'S LOCAL OFFER
Hertfordshire's SEND Local Offer provides information, support, services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and their families.
There are a number of services the Local Offer provides such as:
- They provide a number of services for parents, carers and families from short breaks, to help at home and support groups.
- They provide financial advice and information on a number of funding schemes you can apply for.
- Communication and Autism Team- are specialised teachers who support children young people who have difficulties with interaction.
- There are a number of other specialised services that you can find here.
- Education, health and care plan- some children or young people with more complex SEND may need an assessment to see if this would benefit them.
- Information, support and advice service- providing confidential and impartial advice and support to parents and carers.
- Short breaks for disabled children and young people, allowing them to have fun and socialise.
- Find support groups and networks for parents, carers, children and young people.
- For other forms of support, click here.
Transitioning into adulthood can be a difficult process for all young people. For people with learning disabilities, their physical and emotional needs can make moving into adulthood more challenging.
Hertfordshire's Local Offer and Services for Young People offer a range of support, information and services to help you through this process.
Employment is a way of gaining new skills, becoming more independent, meeting new people and possibly earning some money. Knowing what employers are disability friendly can be tricky, look out for:
- The 'disability confident' symbol
- The 'positive about disabled people' symbol (with 2 ticks)
These both mean that the employer is committed to employing disabled people, you will be guaranteed an interview if you meet the basic requirements.
Conntected2Work scheme helps you find and keep a job in Hertfordshire if you have a disability.
Supported Employment- Services for Young People has a dedicated team of supported employment advisers (SEAs) who work with young people with learning difficulties or disabilities aged 16-25. They work with local employers to support young people into the workplace. Contact the Services for Young People SEND Team on 01438 844999
Supported Internships- are aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 who have a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health & Care plan (EHCP), who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so. Visit our Supported Internship page to find out more.
Widening access to work tasters and work experience opportunities for young people aged 16-25 in Hertfordshire with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
Here is a a guide filled with information and who to contact.
Visit our Hub which is packed full of support, information, advice and guidance available in Hertfordshire to support you to find your perfect career.