Sleep make sure you are well rested, you will have a lot of new information to absorb on your first day so you need to be alert.

Travel planning you don’t want to be late on your first day, this does not make for a good impression and you want to be relaxed as possible. So prepare your route and you should reduce the first day nerves.

Refresh your memory the interview may have been a while ago now so before your first day revisit the company’s website and any notes you made. Check out their social media for any news updates that are relevant.

What to wear make sure you have appropriate attire for the first couple of days until you figure out the dress code

Final documents make sure you have a copy of any induction packs and have had a read through. Do you need to bring your passport in or proof of address?

Ask questions if you don’t know then ask. Your colleagues will know you are new and will expect you to ask questions.

Bring essentials make sure you have a note pad and pen, post-it notes come in handy too! Bringing lunch the first day is always useful until you know what is in the surrounding area.

Smile and be confident introduce yourself and be polite. Remember you got the job so the new environment may be daunting but you have the skills so go for it.

Say yes to everything it may seem scary but take the opportunities while they come. You will gain bags of confidence and surprise yourself.

Be aware of the company culture take some time to understand and watch the team so you can understand the culture. If everyone offers to make drinks you should too.