Published on 09 April 2024

An exciting career opportunity for Year 13 students from low-income families in the East of England.

What could a career in NHS finance offer?

Watch an animation here:

When you think about working in the NHS which career springs to mind?

Perhaps a doctor or a nurse?

It might surprise you to learn that there are over 350 different types of career in the NHS, including a career in NHS Finance. There are a range of roles working as part
of the finance team that supports the patient services provided by the NHS that you and your friends and family receive care from throughout your lives.

The Insights placement scheme offers paid work finance experience in NHS organisations throughout England to individuals aged 18 and above, who do not plan to attend university and come from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

The scheme aims to attract diverse talent from local communities served by the NHS into the finance sector. It provides a 12-month experience in an entry-level (band 2) finance role, allowing candidates to develop new skills and gain on-the-job work experience. Upon completion of the placement, each candidate should feel well-prepared to apply for NHS opportunities, including apprenticeships or other entry-level roles, and be confident in transitioning to professional working environments.

There are two Insights Placements available in Hertfordshire (East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust (Stevenage) and Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust (Hatfield)).

The initiative aims to support young people aged 18+ from low-income families, and applicants interested must meet the following criteria:

  • Attending state school or college, minimum Grade C / 4 in GCSE Maths is desirable but not essential, and
  • Not planning on attending university, and
  • The occupation of your main household earner is categorised as a lower socio-economic background, or
  • Have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the previous six years

(Help to check eligibility for anyone who is not sure is available.)

To help promote the scheme we are approaching schools and colleges close to the placement sites.  Conscious of the target audience, the placements are also being promoted via social media. There will be an online webinar on 2 May 6-7pm where applicants can find out more.  (book from the link below).

Application is via a simple form (from the link below) by 5pm on 24/5/24.


NHS Finance Insights placement scheme (onenhsfinance.nhs.uk)