The Hertfordshire Skills Framework sets out the key employability skills and attributes sought by Hertfordshire employers from young people. The Framework was compiled by Hertfordshire LEP, Services for Young People and the University of Hertfordshire, and developed with the aim of improving the work readiness of young people and the careers guidance provided by schools.
The 12 skills are grouped under two main headings:
- people and personal
- technical and practical.
What are employability skills?
"A set of attributes, skills and knowledge that enables individuals to be effective in today's changing work contexts."
City and Guilds
Learning to be Employable, 2017
Knowing where to start can be tricky and may seem overwhelming, however you may not realise how many of these skills you are developing without realising. Once you have recognised the skills you are developing and the skills that could use a little bit more attention you can start thinking about how to evidence them. This is an important skill that you will need to use in your CV, interviews and application forms.
Below is a useful self reflection questionnaire to get you thinking about your skills and attributes, how to evidence them and what skills you need to focus on building.